Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One month old

Oliver is one month old today. He has grown an inch or so since birth and continues to eat voraciously. He has settled into a somewhat predictable schedule and actually sleeps a few hours at a stretch during the night - something that his parents are very thankful for. Time will tell whether it is the Scandinavian approach we have taken with baby #3 to prevent overstimulation or he is just a tranquil soul. Happy one month birthday, Oliver. We can't imagine how we were able to live our life without you in it.


Marge said...

How adorable he is!

What's the "Scandinavian method" you mentioned?

Eloisa said...

Que lindo bebê, Clarissa. Parabéns! Espero ver toda a família na reunião de San Francisco. Abraços.