Thursday, July 26, 2007
New stats
Oliver had his second doctor's visit today. One of his tearducts seem to be clogged so he needed meds to clear it up. He also got his well baby visit done. He is 11 lbs 4 oz (5.2kg) and 23.5 inches (59.7cm). Keeping himself on the high end of the growth curve all around. He still doesn't like the car seat much. The newest development, though, is that soon we will have a baldy micro-man - which leads to the question of what color his hair will be.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
One month old

Oliver is one month old today. He has grown an inch or so since birth and continues to eat voraciously. He has settled into a somewhat predictable schedule and actually sleeps a few hours at a stretch during the night - something that his parents are very thankful for. Time will tell whether it is the Scandinavian approach we have taken with baby #3 to prevent overstimulation or he is just a tranquil soul. Happy one month birthday, Oliver. We can't imagine how we were able to live our life without you in it.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
3 1/2 weeks
Oliver is almost a month old. Time flies! This week he got his important documents (birth certificate, social security card, health insurance) so he truly exists in the eyes of the law. He is growing too and has been well - eating, sleeping, filling some diapers, crying a little bit .... We notice that he has been more alert and is looking at his family members more attentively. His sisters love to help bathe him, diaper him and just hang out with him. Sophia turns out to be a great babysitter with the Baby Bjorn backpack.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
2 weeks old
Oliver is two weeks already, and he's more alert and has more control of his body. We once again are discovering some tricks to being parents of a newborn: to keep the baby cool in 104F weather, we spray water around the area where he is at with a spray bottle. Technology also strikes again with a fabulous nursing pillow that Clarissa found. Oliver has so far enjoyed a 4th of July outing to Hermiston, took a peek at big sister Sophia's swim meet in town over the weekend, and a day of shopping in TriCities yesterday. He does pretty well in the car and seems to like his Peg Perego Pramette stroller.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
1 week old
Oliver was one week old yesterday. He went to a well baby clinic visit at the hospital where he was born. After losing about 200g during the first days of life, he is already back to 4.350kg! At the rate he's been eating, it's no wonder. Both Washington and Oregon states have hearing checks for newborns in order to detect any problems early on. He took his test again yesterday and passed. He no longer looks like a brand-new newborn and we still think he looks a lot like Sophia when she was an infant. He has had some visitors, and the big sisters have been very helpful too.
Sunday, July 1, 2007

Oliver was born naturally on Monday June 25th, 2007 at 6:02pm. He weighed 9lb 14oz and was 22.5" long. The birth took place at St. Mary's Hospital in Walla Walla, Washington. Both Oliver and Clarissa are doing well. Oliver is feeding very well and has periods of alertness during which he gazes around and looks interested ... but then his next meal calls and he forgets about everything else!
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