Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Stats for 2 month-old

Oliver's newest statistics are: 13lb 10oz (6.2kg) and 24 1/4in (61.6cm); 16 1/4 head circumference. He remains on the 90% percentile of growth. No wonder his 0-3month clothes no longer fit him.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Swim meet

Having a good time while my sisters swim.

Winner sisters

Paula won her first race in Hermiston and took home a watermelon.

8 weeks

Here I am in a Buddha pose while taking an afternoon nap. I have been on outings to more swim meets with my sisters and mom. Soccer season has started and word is out that I am the cutest baby in town!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Paula and me

Paula's been a great companion - and a great helper during bath time.

Bandana quilt

I am seven weeks old today, and I have been growing a lot. I spent some time on my sister Sophia's bandana quilt this weekend which you can see in this picture. My newborn clothes no longer fit me! I continue enjoying my meals and my outings, and one of my favorite activities is seeing the world.

My sisters and I

I spent the weekend with my sisters and mom at a swim meet. My sister Sophia was happy that our team (PSA) won the District championship, as she swam in many events. Paula stayed on dry land and helped our mom and me.